Book Chapters (peer-reviewed)

Van den Broeck, P., Sadiq, A., Hiergens, I., Quintana Molina, M., Verschure, H., Moulaert, F. (2020). The hybrid of land taking and land making. In: Communities, land and social innovation. Land taking and land making in an urbanizing world, Chapt. 1, (1-17). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78897 376 2. 

Kuhk, A., Heynen, H., Huybrechts, L., Schreurs, J., Moulaert, F. (2019). Inleiding. In: A. Kuhk, H. Heynen, L. Huybrechts, J. Schreurs, F. Moulaert (Eds.), Participatiegolven. Dialogen over ruimte, planning en ontwerp in Vlaanderen en Brussel, (13-26). Leuven: Leuven University Press. ISBN: 9789462701816. doi: 10.11116/9789461662880

Kuhk, A., Schreurs, J., Heynen, H., Huybrechts, L., Moulaert, F. (2019). Epiloog: Participatie in ruimtelijk beleid: Navigeren tussen ‘het politieke’ en ‘de politiek’? In: A. Kuhk, H. Heynen, L. Huybrechts, J. Schreurs, F. Moulaert (Eds.), Participatiegolven. Dialogen over ruimte, planning en ontwerp in Vlaanderen en Brussel, (305-336). Leuven: Leuven University Press. ISBN: 9789462701816. doi: 10.11116/9789461662880

Moulaert, F. (2019). When innovation lost its social character, or not? In: P. Van den Broeck, A. Mehmood, A. Paidakaki, C. Parra (Eds.), Social Innovation as Political Transformation, (168-179). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-78897-427-1. (URL

Moulaert, F. and Mehmood, A. (2019). La coconstruction d’une épistémologie socialement innovante pour l’analyse du développement territorial: réflexions sur vingt ans de recherche-action. Klein, J-L.Boucher, J.L.Camus, A.Champagne, C and Noiseux, Y, eds. Trajectoires d’innovation. Des émergences à la reconnaissance, Presses de l’Université du Québec, pp. 51-66.

Van den Broeck, P., Kuhk, A., Holemans, D., De Cauter, L., Hubeau, B., Delladetsimas, P., Vloebergh, G., Parra, C., Moulaert, F. (2018). Commons als noodzaak. In: A. Kuhk, D. Holemans, P. Van den Broeck (Eds.), Op Grond van samenwerking. Woningen, voedsel en trage wegen als heruitgevonden commons, Chapt. 1, (13-37). Berchem: EPO. ISBN: 9789462671508

Paidakaki, A., Moulaert, F., Van den Broeck, P. (2018). Exploring the politico-institutional dimension of social innovation to repoliticize urban governance arrangements. In: Y. Franz, R. Danielzyk, H.H. Blotevogel (Eds.), Social Innovation in Urban and Regional Research, (11-21). ISR Forschungsbericht 47. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. ISBN: 978-3-7001-8333-4. Open Access

Moulaert, F., Van den Broeck, P. (2018). Social innovation and territorial development. In: J. Howaldt, C. Kaletka, A. Schröder, M. Zirngiebl (Eds.), Atlas of Social Innovation. New Practices for a Better Future, (26-29). Dortmund: Sozialforschungsstelle, TU Dortmund University. ISBN: 978-3-921823-96-5

Moulaert, F., Mehmood, A., Manganelli, A. (2017). Spazi d’Innovazione Sociale. In: G. Monteduro (Eds.), Sussidiarietà e Innovazione Sociale: Costruire un welfare societario, Chapt. 3, (71-93). (Sociologia, cambiamento e politica sociale). Franco Angeli. ISBN: 9788891750570. Open Access

Moulaert, F., Segers, R., Van den Broeck, P., Van Dyck, B., Miciukiewicz, K., Schreurs, J., Servillo, L.A. (2016). SPINDUS methodological synthesis. In: R. Segers, P. Van den Broeck, A.Z. Khan, F. Moulaert, J. Schreurs, B. De Meulder, K. Miciukiewicz, G. Vigar, A. Madanipour (Eds.), The SPINDUS handbook for spatial quality. A relational approach, (265-305). Brussels: Academic & Scientific Publishers (ASP). ISBN: 9789057184734

Van den Broeck, P., Segers, R., Moulaert, F., Khan, A.Z., Schreurs, J., De Meulder, B., Miciukiewicz, K., Vigar, G., Madanipour, A. (2016). General introduction. Spatial quality revisited. In: R. Segers, P. Van den Broeck, A.Z. Kahn, F. Moulaert, J. Schreurs, B. De Meulder, K. Miciukiewicz, G. Vigar, A. Madanipour (Eds.), The SPINDUS handbook for spatial quality. A relational approach, (9-15). Brussels: Academic & Scientific Publishers (ASP). ISBN: 9789057184734. 

Moulaert, F. (2016). Recommandations méthodologiques pour l’analyse de l’innovation sociale : une perspective critique sur l’épistémologie des systèmes d’innovation territoriaux. In: J-L. Klein, A. Camus, C. Jette, C. Champagne, M. Roy (Eds.), La transformation sociale par l’innovation sociale, Chapt. 5, (65-77). Québec: Presse de l’Université du Québec. ISBN: 978-2-7605-4387-4. 

Moulaert, F., Mehmood, A. (2015). Analysing regional development: From territorial innovation to path-dependent geography. In: The Elgar Companion to Social Economics: Second Edition, (676-700). ISBN: 9781783478538. doi: 10.4337/9781783478545.00055

Van den Broeck, P., Kuhk, A., Lievois, E., Schreurs, J., Moulaert, F. (2014). Spatial planning in Flanders: serving a by-passed capitalism? In: M. Reimer, P. Getimis, H. Blotevogel (Eds.), Spatial planning systems and practices in Europe. A comparative perspective on continuity and changes, Chapt. 9, (169-188). London/New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-72723-5. 

Moulaert, F., Nussbaumer, J. (2014). Pour repenser l’innovation: vers un système régional d’innovation sociale. In: J-L. Klein, J-L. Laville, F. Moulaert (Eds.), L’innovation sociale, (81-113). Toulouse: Éditions Erès. ISBN: 978-2-7492-3949-1. 

Klein, J-L., Laville, J-L., Moulaert, F. (2014). L’innovation sociale: repères introductifs. In: J-L. Klein, J-L. Laville, F. Moulaert (Eds.), L’innovation sociale, (7-42). Toulouse: Éditions Erès. ISBN: 978-2-7492-3949-1. 

Oosterlynck, S., Moulaert, F. (2014). L’innovation sociale en Flandre: apports et limites. In: J-L. Klein, J-L. Laville, F. Moulaert (Eds.), L’innovation sociale, (175-192). Toulouse: Éditions Erès. ISBN: 978-2-7492-3949-1. 

Moulaert, F., Mehmood, A. (2013). Holistic Research Methodology and Pragmatic Collective Action. In: D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood, A. Hamdouch, F. Moulaert (Eds.), The International Handbook on Social Innovation: Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research, Chapt. 33, (442-452). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978-1849809986. 

Moulaert, F., MacCallum, D., Mehmood, A., Hamdouch, A. (2013). General introduction: The return of social innovation as a scientific concept and a social practice. In: F. Moulaert, D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood, A. Hamdouch (Eds.), The International Handbook on Social Innovation: Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research, (1-6). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978-1849809986. 

Moulaert, F., Jessop, B., Hulgård, L., Hamdouch, A. (2013). Social Innovation research: A New Stage in Innovation Analysis? In: D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood, A. Hamdouch, F. Moulaert (Eds.), The International Handbook on Social Innovation: Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research, Chapt. 8, (110-130). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978-1849809986. 

Moulaert, F., Van Dyck, B. (2013). Framing Social Innovation Research: A Sociology of Knowledge Perspective. In: D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood, A. Hamdouch, F. Moulaert (Eds.), The International Handbook on Social Innovation: Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research, Chapt. 35, (466-480). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978-1849809986. Open Access

Moulaert, F., MacCallum, D., Jean, H. (2013). Social Innovation: Intuition, Precept, Concept, Theory and Practice. In: D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood, A. Hamdouch (Eds.), The International Handbook on Social Innovation: Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research, Chapt. 1, (13-24). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978-1849809986

Moulaert, F., Segers, R., Van den Broeck, P., Miciukiewicz, K., Schreurs, J., Servillo, L.A. (2013). SPINDUS methodologische synthese. In: R. Segers, P. Van den Broeck, A.Z. Khan, F. Moulaert, J. Schreurs, B. De Meulder, K. Miciukiewicz, G. Vigar, A. Madanipour (Eds.), Handboek ruimtelijke kwaliteit. Een transdisciplinaire benadering, (266-305). Brussels: Academic & Scientific Publishers (ASP). ISBN: 9789057183317. 

Van den Broeck, P., Segers, R., Moulaert, F., Khan, A.Z., Schreurs, J., De Meulder, B., Miciukiewicz, K., Vigar, G., Madanipour, A. (2013). Algemene inleiding – Ruimtelijke kwaliteit herbekeken. In: R. Segers, P. Van den Broeck, A.Z. Khan, F. Moulaert, J. Schreurs, B. De Meulder, K. Miciukiewicz, G. Vigar, A. Madanipour (Eds.), Handboek ruimtelijke kwaliteit. Een transdisciplinaire benadering, (9-14). Brussels: Academic & Scientific Publishers (ASP). ISBN: 9789057183317

Swyngedouw, E., Moulaert, F., Rodriguez, A. (2012). Neoliberal Urbanization In Europe: Large-Scale Urban development projects and the new Urban Policy. In: Spaces of Neoliberalism: Urban Restructuring in North America and Western Europe, (194-229). ISBN: 9781405101059. doi: 10.1002/9781444397499.ch9

Moulaert, F. (2012). Social innovation: Institutionally embedded, territorially (re)produced. In: F. Moulaert, D. MacCallum, S.V. Haddock (Eds.) Social Innovation and Territorial Development, (11-24). ISBN: 9780754672333.

Moulaert, F., Martinelli, F., Novy, A. (2012). Introduction. In: F. Martinelli, A. Novy, F. Moulaert (Eds.), Urban and Regional Development Trajectories in Contemporary Capitalism, Chapt. 1, (1-17). (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy). London: Routledge. ISBN: 9780415608947. 

Moulaert, F., Jessop, B. (2012). Theoretical Foundations for the Analysis of Socio-economic Development in Space. In: F. Martinelli, F. Moulaert, A. Novy (Eds.), Urban and Regional Development Trajectories in Contemporary Capitalism, Chapt. 2, (18-44). (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0415608947. 

Moulaert, F., Ancien, D. (2012). London between Global Narcissism and National Responsibility. In: F. Martinelli, F. Moulaert, A. Novy (Eds.), Urban and Regional Development Trajectories in Contemporary CapitalismChapt. 4, (63-84). (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-60894-7. 

Moulaert, F., Mehmood, A., Novy, A. (2012). The DEMOLOGOS Methodology for Analyzing Urban and Regional Trajectories. In: F. Moulaert, F. Martinelli, A. Novy (Eds.), Urban and Regional Development Trajectories in Contemporary Capitalism, Chapt. 3, (45-62). (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-60894-7. 

Moulaert, F. (2012). La région sociale dans un monde globalisant. In: J-L. Klein, M. Roy (Eds.), Pour une nouvelle mondialisation : le défi d’innover, Chapt. 22, (377-390). Québec: Presses Universitaires du Québec. ISBN: 9782760536227. 

Moulaert, F., Parra, C. (2011). Why sustainability is so fragilely ‘social’…. In: S. Oosterlynck (Eds.), Strategic Spatial Projects: Catalysts for Change, (163-173). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-56684-1. 

Moulaert, F., Mehmood, A. (2011). Spaces of Social Innovation. In: A. Pike, A. Rodriguez-Pose, J. Tomaney (Eds.), Handbook of Local and Regional Development, Chapt. 18, (212-225). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-54831-1. 

Moulaert, F. (2010). Social Innovation and Community Development: Concepts and Theories 2. Historical Roots of Social Change: Philosophies and Movements. In: F. Moulaert, E. Swyngedouw, F. Martinelli, S. Gonzalez (Eds.), Can Neighbourhoods Save the City? Community Development and Social Innovation, Chapt. 1, (4-16). (Regions and Cities). London: Routledge. ISBN: 0415485886. 

Moulaert, F., Gonzalez, S., Martinelli, F. (2010). ALMOLIN: How to Analyse Social Innovation at the Local Level. In: F. Moulaert, E. Swyngedouw, F. Martinelli, S. Gonzalez (Eds.), Can Neighbourhoods Save the City? Community Development and Social Innovation, Chapt. 3, (49-67). (Regions and Cities). London: Routledge. ISBN: 0415485886. 

Moulaert, F., Christiaens, E. (2010). The End of Social Innovation in Urban Development Strategies? Neighbourhood Development Corporations in Antwerp. In: F. Moulaert, E. Swyngedouw, F. Martinelli, S. Gonzalez (Eds.), Can Neighbourhoods Save the City? Community Development and Social Innovation, Chapt. 7, (168-184). (Regions and Cities). London: Routledge. ISBN: 0415485886. 

Moulaert, F., Martinelli, F., Gonzalez, S. (2010). Creatively designing urban futures: A transversal analysis of socially innovative initiatives. In: E. Swyngedouw, F. Martinelli, S. Gonzalez, F. Moulaert (Eds.), Can Neighbourhoods Save the City?: Community Development and Social Innovation, Chapt. 15, (198-218). (Regions and Cities). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0415485883. 

Moulaert, F. (2009). Social innovation: Institutionally embedded, territorially (Re)produced. In: E. Swyngedouw, F. Martinelli, S. Gonzalez, F. Moulaert (Eds.), Social Innovation and Territorial Development, (11-23). ISBN: 9780754672333. 

Moulaert, F., Nussbaumer, J. (2009). The economy of the large European city: the social nature of articulated rationality. In: H.S. Geyer (Eds.), International handbook of Urban Policy; Issues in the Developed World, Chapt. 9, (212-229). UK: Edward Elger. ISBN: 978-1-84720-459-2.

Moulaert, F., Mehmood, A. (2009). Spatial planning and institutional design: what can we expect from transaction cost economics? In: H.S. Geyer (Eds.), International handbook of Urban Policy; Issues in the Developed World, Chapt. 8, (199-211). UK: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978-1-84720-459-2

Moulaert, F., Haddock, S.V. (2009). Innovazione sociale e sviluppo integrato del-territorio. In: S.V. Haddock, F. Moulaert (Eds.), Rigenerare la citta, Chapt. 2, (51-74). Bologna: Il Mulino. ISBN: 978-88-15-11550-8

De Muro, P., Hamdouch, A., Cameron, S., Moulaert, F. (2008). Combating Poverty in Europe and the Third World: Social Innovation in Motion. In: P. Drewe, J.L. Klein, E. Hulsbergen (Eds.), Challenge of social innovation in urban revitalization, (87-100). (Design Science Planning, 6). TECHNE PRESS. ISBN: 978-90-8594-018-0. (URL

Moulaert, F., Mehmood, A. (2008). Analysing regional development: from territorial innovation to path dependent geography. In: J.B. Davis, W. Dolfsma (Eds.), The Elgar Companion to Social Economics, Chapt. 34, (607-631). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978 1 84542 280 6

Moulaert, F., Nussbaumer, J. (2008). Social Innovation Between Local and Global. In: W. Elsner, H. Hanappi (Eds.), Varieties of Capitalism And New Institutional Deals, Chapt. 13, (259-277). UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. ISBN: 978 1 84720 473 8. 

Moulaert, F., Morlicchio, E., Cavola, L. (2007). Social exclusion and urban policy in European cities: combining ‘Northern’ and ‘Southern’ European perspectives. In: H.S. Geyer (Eds.), In: International Handbook of Urban Policy, (138-158). (Elgar Original Reference). Edward Elgar. (URL

Nussbaumer, J., Moulaert, F. (2007). L’innovation sociale au coeur des débats publics et scientifiques. In: J-L. Klein, D. Harrisson (Eds.), L’Innovation sociale. Emergence et effets sur la transformation des sociétés, Chapt. 3, (71-88). Québec, Canada: Presses de l’universite du Quebec. ISBN: 2-7605-1374-2.

Moulaert, F., Morlicchio, E., Cavola, L. (2007). Social exclusion and urban policy in European cities: combining ‘Northern’ and ‘Southern’ European perspectives. In: H.S. Geyer (Eds.), International Handbook of Urban Policy, Volume 1, (139-158). Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978 1 84720 458 5. 

Moulaert, F., Nussbaumer, J. (2005). Beyond the Learning Region: The Dialectics of Innovation and Culture in Territorial Development. In: R.A. Boschma, R.C. Kloosterman (Eds.), Learning from Clusters: A Critical Assessment from an Economic-Geographical Perspective, (89-109). Springer Netherlands. ISBN: 978-1-4020-3671-2. 

Swyngedouw, E., Moulaert, F., Rodriguez, A. (2004). ‘The World in a Grain of Sand’: Large-Scale Urban Development Projects and the Dynamics of ‘Glocal’ Tranformations. In: F. Moulaert, A. Rodriguez, E. Swyngedouw (Eds.), The Globalized City. Economic Restructuring and Social Polarization in European Cities, Chapt. 1, (9-28). London: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0-19-926040-0. 

Moulaert, F., Rodriguez, A., Swyngedouw, E. (2004). Large-Scale Urban Development Projects, Urban Dynamics, and Social Polarization; A Methodological Reflection. In: F. Moulaert, A. Rodriguez, E. Swyngedouw (Eds.), The Globalized City. Economic Restructuring and Social Polarization in European Cities, Chapt. 3, (47-64). London: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0-19-926040-0. 

Rodriguez, A., Swyngedouw, E., Moulaert, F. (2004). Urban Restructuring, Social-Political Polarization and New Urban Policies. In: The Globalized City. Economic Restructuring and Social Polarization in European Cities, Chapt. 2, (29-46). London: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0-19-926040-0. 

Swyngedouw, E., Moulaert, F., Rodriguez, A. (2004). The Contradictions of Urbanizing Globalization. In: The Globalized City. Economic Restructuring and Social Polarization in European Cities, Chapt. 13, (247-266). London: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0-19-926040-0. 

Moulaert, F., Nussbaumer, J. (2004). Regional Production and Reproduction; The Social Region. In: A. Biesecker, W. Elsner (Eds.), Erhalten durch Gestalten, (265-283). Germany: Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften. ISBN: 3-631-53548-1. 

Farcy, H., Moulaert, F., Gallouj, C. (2003). France: Knowledge-intensive services and territorial innovative dynamics. In: Wood, P. (editor) Consultancy and Innovation: The Business Service Revolution in Europe, (93-123). ISBN: 020311664Xdoi: 10.4324/9780203116647

Farcy, H., Moulaert, F., Gallouj, C. (2002). Knowledge-intensive services and territorial innovative dynamics. In: P. Wood (Eds.), Consultancy and Innovation, (93-123). London: Routledge. ISBN: 1-84142-005-0. 

Moulaert, F., Martinelli, F. (1999). Urban Development: the Role of Producer services. In: E. Wever (Eds.), Cities in perspective I. Economy, planning and the environment, (49-60). Assen: Van Gorcum. ISBN: 9023235258. 

Moulaert, F., Scott, A.J., Farcy, H. (1997). Producer services and formation of urban space. In: F. Moulaert, A.J. Scott (Eds.), Cities, Enterprises and Society on the Eve of the 21st Century, Chapt. 6, (97-112). London: Cassell Imprints. ISBN: 1-85567-404-1. 

Scott, A.J., Moulaert, F. (1997). The urban question and the future of urban research. In: F. Moulaert, A.J. Scott (Eds.), Cities, Enterprises and Society on the Eve of the 21st Century, Chapt. 14, (267-278). London: Cassell Imprints. ISBN: 1-85567-404-1

Wilson, P.A., Moulaert, F., Demazière, C. (1997). Urban restructuring and local response. In: F. Moulaert, A.J. Scott (Eds.), Cities, Enterprises and Society on the Eve of the 21st Century, Chapt. 13, (244-266). London: Cassell Imprints. ISBN: 1-85567-404-1

Moulaert, F., Scott, A.J. (1997). Globalization, economic restructuring and urban society. In: F. Moulaert, A.J. Scott (Eds.), Cities, Enterprises and Society on the Eve of the 21st Century, Pinter Publishing, Chapt. 1, (3-17). ISBN: 1-85567-404-1

Moulaert, F., Demazière, C. (1996). Le développement économique local dans une Europe post-fordiste. In: C. Demazière (Eds.), Du local au global; Les initiatives loales pour le développement économique en Europe et en Amerique, Chapt. 2, (53-75). Paris, France: L’Harmattan. ISBN: 2-7384-3819-9. 

Moulaert, F., Demazière, C. (1996). Local Economic Development in post-Fordist Europe: survey and strategy reflections. In: C. Demazière, P. Wilson (Eds.), Local Economic Development in Europe and the Americas, Chapt. 1, (3-28). London: Mansell. ISBN: 9264041184. 

Moulaert, F. (1996). From national accountancy to international management consultancy firm. In: P. Dicken, J-E. Nilsson, J. Peck (Eds.), Transnational corporations in Europe: functional and spatial divisions of labour, Chapt. 5, (74-89). London: Paul Chapman. ISBN: 1-85396-319-4. 

Moulaert, F., Loréal, A., Stevens, J-F. (1996). La métropole du Nord: a frontier case study in urban socio-economic restructuring. In: N. Harris, I. Fabricius (Eds.), Cities and Structural Adjustment, (230-251). London: University College Press. ISBN: 1-85728-619-7. 

Moulaert, F. (1995). Measuring socioeconomic disintegration at the local level in Europe: an analytical framework. In: G. Room (Eds.), Beyond the Threshold, Chapt. 10, (175-190). Bristol ,Great Britain: Policy Press. ISBN: 1-86134-003-6. 

Moulaert, F., Leontidou, L., Delladetsima, P., Delvainquière, J-C., Demazière, C. (1994). Propositions théoriques pour l’étude des localités qui « perdent ». In: C. Courlet, S. Bernard (Eds.), Industries, territoires et politiques publiques, (255-293). Paris: L’Harmattan. ISBN: 2-7384-2659-X

Moulaert, F., Gallouj, C. (1994). Tertiaire supérieur, hiérarchie urbaine et politique publique: quelques réflexions analytiques. In: Plan Urbain (Eds.), Les villes européennes de tradition industrielle. Mutations économiques et politiques urbaines, (185-204). Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. ISBN: 978-2-85939-456-1. 

Djellal, F., Moulaert, F. (1993). Conseils en technologie de l’information: des économies d’agglomération en réseau. In: N. May, E. Perrin (Eds.), Métropoles en déséquilibre. Paris: Economica. 

Moulaert, F., Swyngedouw, E. (1992). Accumulation and organization in computing and communications industries: a regulationist approach. In: P. Cooke, F. Moulaert, E. Swyngedouw, O. Weinstein, P. Wells (Eds.), Towards Global Localization, Chapt. 3, (39-60). London: UCL Press. ISBN: 1-85728-000-8. 

Moulaert, F. (1992). Services: the bridge between computing and communications. In: P. Cooke, F. Moulaert, E. Swyngedouw, O. Weinstein, P. Wells (Eds.), Towards Global Localization, Chapt. 8, (178-199). London: UCL Press. ISBN: 1-85728-000-8. 

Moulaert, F., Martinelli, F. (1992). Le conseil en informatique: conseil en systèmes et systèmes de conseils. In: J. Gadrey, F. Moulaert (Eds.), Manager le Conseil. Paris: McGraw Hill.

Moulaert, F., Martinelli, F., Djellal, F. (1991). The functional and spatial division of labour in information technology consultancy firms in Western Europe. In: P.W. Daniels, F. Moulaert (Eds.), The Changing Geography of Advanced Producer Services, Chapt. 9, (118-134). London: Belhaven Press. ISBN: 1-85293-171-X. 

Moulaert, F., Swyngedouw, E. (1991). Regional Development and the Geography of the Flexible production System: Theoritical Arguments and Empirial Evidence. In: U. Hilpert (Eds.), Regional Innovation Decentralization. High tech industry and government policy, Chapt. 11, (239-266). Great Britain: Routledge. ISBN: 0-415-03865-0. 

Moulaert, F., Daniels, P.W. (1991). Advanced producer services: beyond the micro-economics pf production. In: P.W. Daniels, F. Moulaert (Eds.), The Changing Geography of Advanced Producer Services, Chapt. 1, (1-14). London: Belhaven Press. ISBN: 1-85293-171-X. 

Moulaert, F., Swyngedouw, E. (1990). Regionalentwicklung und die Geographie flexibler Produktionssysteme. Theoretische Auseinandersetzung und Empirische Belege aus Westeuropa und den USA. In: R. Borst, S. Krätke, M. Mayer, F. Schmoll (Eds.), Das neue Gesicht der Städte, Chapt. 4, (89-108). Birkhäuser. ISBN: 3-7643-2540-2. 

Djellal, F., Chikhaoui, Y., Moulaert, F. (1990). La localisation des firmes françaises de conseil en haute technologie. In: G. Benko (Eds.), La dynamique spatiale de l’économie contemporaine, (120-144). La Garenne-Colombes, Editions de l’Espace Européen. ISBN: 2-7388-0076-9. 

Moulaert, F. (1987). Is een micrologische theorie van de arbeid mogelijk? Bijdrage tot een institutionele intergratie van paradigmatische elementen. In: L. Prof Dr. J G (Eds.), Arbeid: economisch goed?!, Chapt. 2, (17-48). Samsom. ISBN: 90 14 03806 2

Moulaert, F. (1985). Vreemde werknemers, werkgelegenlingen en sociale zekerheid. In: Buitenlandse Minderheden In Vlaanderen België, Chapt. 3, (61-74). ISBN: 90 289 0967 2. 

Martens, A., Moulaert, F. (1985). De toestand van de buitenlandse minderheden in Vlaanderen-België. In: Martens, A. & Moulaert, F. (Eds.) Buitenlandse Minderheden In Vlaanderen België, (17-30). Uitgeverij de Nederlandsche Boekhandel. ISBN: 90 289 0967 2. 

Moulaert, F. (1985). Ouvriers immigrés, emploi et sécurité sociale. In: A. Martens, F. Moulaert (Eds.), Ouvriers immigrés, emploi et sécurité sociale, (61-74). 

Moulaert, F., Martens, A. (1982). Arbeidsproces, sectoral dynamiek en gastarbeid in Belgie(1970-1977). In: A. J.M.M. Van, E. H.B. (Eds.), Immigrant en samenleving, (77-98). Deventer, Van Loghum Slaterus. ISBN: 90 6001 793 5. 

Book Chapters (not peer-reviewed)

Moulaert, F., MacCallum, D., Van den Broeck, P., Garcia, M. (2019). Bottom-linked governance and socially innovative political transformation. In: J. Howaldt, C. Kaletka, A. Schröder, M. Zirngiebl (Eds.), Atlas of social innovation. Second volume: A world of new practices, (62-65). München: Okoem Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-96238-157-8. Open Access

Cox, V., Goethals, M., De Meulder, B., Schreurs, J., Moulaert, F. (2013). Het Thought for Food-project in Vlaanderen: Voorbij het ontwerp en participatie. In: Handboek Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit. Het SPINDUS project: praktische methoden voor de implementatie en evaluatie van ruimtelijke kwaliteit, (129-137). Brussels: ASP. ISBN: 978 90 5718331 7. 

Moulaert, F. (2008). El Cosmopolitismo de Napoles. In: R. Bernabei, F. Steinen-Broo, E. Ansesa, S. Wittevrongel (Eds.), Outer Horizons. Art & Philosophy. Picobello Publishing. ISBN: 978-84-935861-2-6. 

Moulaert, F. (2008). Neapolitan Cosmopolitanism. In: J. Van den Broeck, F. Moulaert, S. Oosterlynck (Eds.), Empowering the Planning Field, (185-190). Leuven: Acco. ISBN: 978 90 334 7019 6. 

Moulaert, F., Gonzalez, S. (2005). Is there Life beyond the Knowledge Based-Society? Towards a decelerated approach to learning, creativity and employment in Europe. In: Delladetsima, P. et al (Eds.) Rethinking Radical Spatial Approaches, (250-267). AthensHarokopio University of Athens, National Technical University of Athens.  

Hillier, J., Moulaert, F., Nussbaumer, J. (2004). Trois essais sur le role de l’innovation sociale dans le développement territorial. In: J-L. Klein, J-M. Fontan (Eds.), Géographie Economie Société, (129-152). France: Lavoisier. ISBN: 2-7430-0734-6.

Rodriguez, A., Moulaert, F., Swyngedouw, E. (2001). La competitividad en la revitalizacion urbana: entre la necesidad y la especulacion. In: Ciudad Y Territorio: Estudios Territoriales, (405-406). Ministerio De Fomento. 

Rodriguez, A., Moulaert, F., Swyngedouw, E. (2001). Nuevas politicas urbanas para la revitalizacion de las ciudades en Europa. In: Ciudad Y Territorio; Estudios Territoriales, (409-424). Ministerio de Fomento. 

Moulaert, F., Salin, E., Werquin, T. (2001). Euralille y los desafios de la politica urbanistica en Francia. In: Ciudad Y Territorio, Estudios Territoriales, (475-492). Ministerio de Fomento.

Moulaert, F., Farid, S. (2001). Social Region, Innovative Region ? In: M. Gomez-Uranga, M. Olazaran (Eds.), Sistemas regionales de innovacion (Regional innovation systems), (185-219). Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain: Publishing Service of the University of the Basque Country. ISBN: 84-8373-384-6. 

Moulaert, F., Sekia, F. (2000). Innovative region, social region? An alternative view of regional innovation. In: P. Delladetsima, V. Hastaoglou, C. Hadjimichalis, M. Mantouvalou, D. Vaiou (Eds.), Towards a radical cultural agenda for European Cities and Regions, (337-363). Athens-Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis Brothers Publishing. ISBN: 960-343-583-X

Delvainquière, J.C., Moulaert, F. (1994). Regional and sub-regional trajectories in Europe: the role of socio-cultural trajectories. In: L. Bekemans (Eds.), Culture: Building Stone for Europe 2002. Brussels: European Interuniversity Press

Moulaert, F., Willekens, F. (1987). Decentralization in Industrial Policy in Belgium. In: H. Muegge, W. Stöhr, B. Stuckey, P. Hesp (Eds.), International Economic Restructuring and the Territorial Community. Avebury: Aldershot. 

Moulaert, F. (1985). De Crisisverklaringen. In: Polekar (Eds.) Het Laboratorium van de Crisis. Leuven: Kritak. 

Moulaert, F. (1985). Deregulering of Herregulering? In: Polekar (Eds.) Het Laboratorium van de Crisis. Leuven: Kritak. 

Moulaert, F. (1985). Introduction to: Polekar. In: Polekar (Eds.) Het Laboratorium van de Crisis. Leuven: Kritak.

Moulaert, F., Vandenbroucke, F. (1983). De bestrijding van de werkloosheid: de bijdrage van Post-Keynesiaanse economen. In: W. Van Ryckeghem (Eds.), Macro-economie en Politiek

Moulaert, F. (1981). Economische crisis en immigratie. In: Crisis en Werkgelegenheid, (136-150). Leuven. 

Vandenbroucke, F., Moulaert, F. (1981). Een crisis in de tewerkstelling. In: G. Van Steendam (Eds.), Technologie: van nieuw naar beter?, (39-93). Leuven: ACCO

Martens, A., Moulaert, F. (1981). Het immigratiebeleid van de Belgische Overheid. In: Referaten van het 15e Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, (133-145). Vereniging voor Economie

Caymax, L., Moulaert, F., Vandenbroucke, F. (1980). Arbeidstijdverkorting als alternatief voor werkloosheid. In: Spectrum Jaarboek, (217-221). 

Donckels, R., Van Rompuy, P., Moulaert, F. (1979). Determinanten van de Regionale Inkomensverdeling. In: Referaten van het 14e Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, (1-37). Brussels. 

Book reviews

Mehmood, A., Moulaert, F. (2005). A Modern Reader in Institutional and Evolutionary Economics: Key Concepts. Planning Theory and Practice6 (2), 260-262. (URL

Moulaert, F. (2004). Governance of Europe’s city regions. Planning, policy and politics. Regional Studies38 (3), 336-337. 

Moulaert, F. (2003). New regionalism in western Europe. Territorial restructuring and political change. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research27 (1), 209-210.

Moulaert, F. (2003). Race and Planning, The UK Experience. European Planning Studies11 (2), 215-217. 

Moulaert, F. (2003). Change of stability in urban Europe: Form, quality and governance. Journal of Regional Science43 (4), 805-808. 

Moulaert, F. (2003). Dissident Geographies; An introduction to radical ideas and practice. European Planning Studies11 (5), 596-598. 

Moulaert, F. (1997). Beyond the continents, strategies of women migrating to Europe – German – Hillmann,F. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research21 (3), 515-518. 

Moulaert, F. (1997). Migration of women to Europe. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research21

Moulaert, F. (1989). Regional policy – a European approach, 2nd edition – Vanhove, N., Klaassen, L. Journal of Regional Science29 (1), 123-124. 

Moulaert, F. (1985). Economic-effects of emigration – an exploratory-study on the economic-effects of emigration – Dutch – Nederlands Centraal Planbureau. International Migration23 (2), 291-293. 

Moulaert, F. (1979). De ontmanteling van de Amerikaanse droom (Demystifying the American Dream). Tijdschrift voor Diplomatie5 (8), 627-629.